Friday, September 14, 2007

RM2 for unlimited talk and SMS

Actually, I’m not sure whether that’s “unlimited talk AND sms” or “unlimited talk OR sms”. Whatever it is, I guess it’s an improvement to their previous offer. There’s a catch, naturally: the validity period is cut short from 17 hours to 12 hours (12 midnight to 12 noon of the day of purchase). And it’s still Maxis to Maxis.

Personally, I still don’t see much value to the offer. I’m using Maxis postpaid, so call me biased if you want to. The thing is.. if you want value, why not make the validity period from 6 am to 6 pm? That’s solid waking hours for almost everybody. Now that’s value for you.

Also why not make it available between other mobile operators? That’s definitely more value for money, don’t you agree?

Keep on improving, Maxis. Maybe you’ll hit it right one day.

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