Thursday, September 06, 2007

RM2 for 400 sms

That’s ½ sen per sms! Wow, a great bargain!

Then next line says “Maxis to Maxis only. Sms valid from 1am to 7pm of day purchased”.


Okay.. I can understand the Maxis to Maxis only. It’s really a great bonus for Maxis subscribers. But only valid from 1am to 7pm on the day of purchase? That’s highway robbery! I mean, how many people send 400 sms in 17 hours? How many sms can YOU send in 17 hours? Oh, you’d probably say more than 400. I have no doubt you can do that, but how many people do you think will reply? And, if they do reply, how many till they stop?

Let’s say, on average, each of your friend replies 10 sms. That means, to fully utilise your 400 sms, you need to send them to 40 people. Question is.. do you really have that many people you really want to get in touch with? Via sms? I don’t. Oh, I have more than 40 friends. But sms-ing 40 of them in a day? Hah! I even ignored some sms I received from them.

I honestly admit that I sms a lot. Every month my sms charges are higher than my call charges. Sometimes by half. Sometimes by two third. But then, that’s over a month. Totally acceptable from my point of view.

My flatmate actually bought the package, and he said that, by the end of the validity period, he couldn’t finish all the 400 sms he had. And the balance was gone just like that. No carry forward or anything.

Okay.. to be fair, I agree that the offer is not for everybody. If one is an avid sms-er, then this is definitely a good package for him/her. It would’ve been much better if the validity period is extended to, let’s say, 3 days or more. That would definitely add more value to the package. My suggestion is.. think of something that will benefit the users more. I’m sure your profit would increase.

1 comment:

Louie Terbang Tinggi-Tinggi said...

mmmm ada sms cam tu pun
tak pernah nak sms kita huhuu